finding my way
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They keep coming!!
by finding my way inmy husband and i bought a house recently aand apparently our new house is smack in the middle of a diligent congregations territory.
they've been in our neigborhood twice a week since we moved in a month ago.
there are a lot of guard dogs in our neigborhood (yeah, i live in the hawaiian guetto) and they all go nuts when the witnesses are walking by.
prana, life force, chakras? What?!
by finding my way ini went to a pranic healing class with my sister in law last week (i've been out 6 years and i'm starting to get pretty open minded).
i didn't expect to feel or experience anything "different".
i thought it was all weird but was not scared of the ideas like i would have been a few years ago.. so anyways we did a couple excercises where we held our hands a couple feet above our partners hands and visualized light in different colors beaming out of ours and hitting theres and then switched roles.
kingdom melodies are spoiling my christmas songs
by finding my way inthis is my second year celebrating christmas.
i've got my first full size tree up very early :) and i've been playing christmas songs via pandora often.
problem is, a lot of the classic christmas songs sound just like kingdom melodies!!!
My mothers wedding
by finding my way indear jehovah',.
thanks for letting me vent.
it's been quite sometime... i've had a baby and been moving around for months because of my husbands job (14 flights since the baby was born) and now that i have time to breathe, i need you again.. my mother and i have been on the rocks for years!
A little happy news about my Mom
by finding my way inmy mom who has shunned me off and on for 4 years had decided about a month and a half ago to fully shun me.
no responses to e-mails or anything.
it's rough, but i've been dealing with it.. i know she loves me and thinks she's doing the right thing.
Does the Watchtower KNOW they are using mind control techniques?
by finding my way ini've read a few other threads about cult mind control as well as steven hassans book comabatting cult mind control.
i also read a thread questioning the watchtowers motives.
are they in it for the money or what?
why do I keep losing sleep over silly stuff?
by finding my way ini keep finding myself posting things on here and then feeling extremely embarrased for sharing my point of view.
like i can't handle anyone disagreeing with my viewpoint.
last night i had a hard time falling asleep because of what someone posted in response to my comment.
The long term effects of losing friends and family through shunning
by finding my way ini've recently been thinking about this topic as i've been finding old friends on facebook etc.
that were just gone one day because either their whole family da'd themselves or they had been df'd.
not to mention the friends i lost when i myself was df'd.. most of my life i found this losing of friends normal because it was what i was used to.